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Nasa releases first high-resolution images of 'snowman' Ultima Thule | ITV News
NASA releases New Horizons' first clear image of 'snowman' Ultima Thule | ABC News
NASA's New Horizons releases new picture of snowman-shaped Ultima Thule
NASA says faraway world Ultima Thule shaped like 'snowman'
NASA releases new images of snowman-shaped rock
#AntarikshKhabar NASA Releases First Clear Images of Snowman-Shaped Ultima Thule
New Horizons probe sends back first images of Ultima Thule
Behold! First Ultima Thule Close-Ups from New Horizons Revealed
NASA New Horizons, Ultima Thule: press briefing on the results from the flyby, live stream
NASA provides first image of Ultima Thule
New Horizons beams home close-ups of Ultima Thule
NASA spacecraft provides first image from record-setting flyby of Ultima Thule